Dutch Energy

The Netherlands has a strong standing in the areas of renewable energy and energy efficiency, and have a leading position in natural gas in the world.

The Dutch are eager to learn and generous in sharing their knowledge. Education and business development fuel the drive for research and development in general. The Netherlands has large volumes of mineral resources. Hence government and industry have heavily invested in R&D in energy to maximise the value of it, logically lengthening into the development of renewable energy sources and become top of class in energy knowledge both in renewable and in traditional energy sources.

Energy costs are a dominant element in the profitability of industrial processes and in household budgets. The Dutch are practical and cost conscious people. When it comes to energy efficiency they scout for usable and affordable solutions. If no total solution available, they develop the total solution themselves. The Dutch developed ground-breaking methods to measure energy consumption and to identify inefficient elements and processes.

Where size matters to be recognised on a global scale, corporation is the solution. The Netherlands is a relatively small country, as is its number of inhabitants. (International) corporation in business and Public Private Partnerships were invented in the Netherlands. It all started with the first shareholder owned company in the world: VOC, Dutch East India Company, in the 17th century, followed by many others such as Royal Dutch/Shell.

Give a Dutchman an energy issue of any kind and within not time you have jointly developed an all-encompassing and cost-efficient solution that works.

Key aspects

  • All aspects of the natural gas and oil value chain
  • All aspects of the electrical power value chain: nuclear, natural gas, coal
  • Energy efficiency: consultancy, measurement, engineering, construction, maintenance
  • Renewable energy: biomass, biogas, (offshore) wind and PV
  • Goods and services for the energy industry: education, skills development, research & development, engineering, consultancy, construction; maintenance.


European natural gas reserves are in the Netherlands. 30%
Gas consumed in Europe comes from the Netherlands 20%
Electricity production from renewable sources 9%
Bio-energy 6%
Wind energy 3%
Dutch natural gas consumed can be replaced by biogas by 2020 10%

Source: Statistics Netherlands (CBS),  through www.hollandtrade.com

Strengths of the Netherlands

  1. All aspects of the natural gas and oil value chain
  2. All aspects of the electrical power value chain: nuclear, natural gas, coal
  3. Energy efficiency: consultancy, measurement, engineering, construction, maintenance
  4. Renewable energy: biomass, biogas, (offshore) wind and PV
  5. Goods and services for the energy industry: education, skills development, research & development, engineering, consultancy, construction; maintenance

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